Business & Education

Development ventures geared for applicable solutions in a marketing and/or personnel setup while providing a base for further research.

The relevance

Digital transformation entails a degree of complexity that reveals itself in layers in the business world. Case in point: Companies were forced to upgrade policies and technologies to cope with the pandemic. However, the same digitalization phenomenon paves the way to simplify these complexities.

The key is to develop a digital mindset that fosters future skills and creative solutions, allowing to stay agile in the VUCA world, as for example: Know-how regarding hybrid workflows or project orientation training.

Our Solutions

In this section, academic models and theories are demystified to equip you with recent academic know-how in short.

For a deeper dive into the academic foundation, we are open for exchange.

From AIDA to 5A

The Unfoldment of Customer Journey-Models

How can businesses incorporate the interconnectivity of people into marketing applications?

  • In the past, advertising and communications used customer journeys based on the AIDA model.
  • To incorporate today's strategic stakeholder decision making in an organic way, the journeys have evolved: Kotler suggests using 5A's: Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act and Advocate.

To create loyalty, marketing can include the aspects of asking and advocating - thereby taking into account that people talk to each other and ask for advice, e.g. regarding experiences they have had with products.

So, if you're wondering what makes effective community management stand out, you've come to the right place.

Do you find a topic relevant for your company? Contact us and we can get your exchange up and running.

Contact us

Business & education

FACETS OF OUR solution

As you can see below, "Business & Education" touches further fields of activities in which we can be of assistance to you. Please feel free to get in touch with us.

fostering future
simplifying business
empowering the use of

Recent News


Browse through our thoughts on the latest developments in the world of digital transformation.

January 31, 2022
Hybrid Teaching and Learning

Challenges of hybrid teaching and learning are multifaceted - a room concept can foster...

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May 15, 2021
Collaboration - Online and Across Borders

Trying out digital and international teaching and learning formats and gaining experience...

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April 1, 2021
Barriers to the use of e-cars: Quantilope

The consciousness and the willingness to change has not stopped at me. So, not too long ago...

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January 31, 2020
Meeting Digitalization at Eye Level

It is crucial that we match the dynamics that digitalization brings into our professional &...

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